
Hi Everyone, we are pleased to announce Feline Vaccines are back in stock following a national shortage throughout Australia. If you had received a reminder for vaccination for your feline friend and could not vaccinate due to the shortage, please contact the clinic and the nurses will be happy to arrange an appointment.

We would also like to welcome Veterinary Nurse Ashleigh to the team. Ashleigh has been working in the Veterinary Industry for 11 years and is currently undergoing her Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing. We are excited to welcome her to our team.

We are also excited to welcome back Veterinary Nurse Sam.  Sam has recently travelled the coastline of Australia for the past year and realized how lucky we are in Hervey Bay and decided to come back home. Sam is a breath of fresh air within the clinic.  She loves her job and meeting all the new clients and their pets each day.

Puppy Preschool is back !!

Run by our own Veterinary Nurse Sam.  Sam is passionate about her puppy education and dedicated to start your puppy on the right foot.  The classes run every Wednesday evening at 6pm for a 4 week course. Suitable for puppies aged between 8-16 weeks.  If you would like more information or to enrol your new puppy in our Preschool classes, please contact the clinic to make your booking.

Recently we have had a significant increase in kittens being surrendered to the clinic. Just a friendly reminder how important it is to desex your animals to prevent these unwanted litters. Majority of foster carers are overrun leading to an increase in dumping of these unwanted babies. Sadly many of these do not get to find the loving homes that they deserve.

Throughout winter we are running a senior campaign here within the clinic. We ourselves as we age, tend to seek pharmaceutical supplements  to help with aches and pains. Did you know the same is available here in the clinic for our elderly furry friends.  These supplements can help put a spring back in their step. Please contact reception to see what is the best product for your furry friend.

Your animal care advocates.

Ann & Sheyne